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Kelly Atencio | Agent Photo

Meet Kelly

Kelly Atencio is a passionate professional originally from Venezuela and now based in north Houston, Texas. With extensive sales experience and a customer-centric approach, Kelly's career as a journalist and real estate agent has honed her communication skills and ability to offer clear and effective advice to clients. Her goal is to provide high-quality service and guidance, with a constant, clear and optimistic personality that helps alleviate the stress of buying or selling a property. Kelly is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technology, marketing strategies and real estate trends, so she can provide her clients with the most current information about the constantly changing real estate market.

Kelly has a proven track record of helping members of the Hispanic community find their perfect home, working tirelessly to make the process of buying or selling a property as easy and successful as possible. She goes above and beyond to become a true ally to her clients, and is dedicated to helping them achieve their dreams. If you're looking for a trustworthy real estate agent who will be with you every step of the way, Kelly is the right choice. Contact her today and become her next satisfied client.

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